Your beauty and personal care business for sure has a lot of customers that stopped buying from you, no matter how high quality your products and customer service is.

People simply forget, move or stop having the need.

Re-activation campaign is sent to your in-active customers and customers that are at risk of becoming in-active to remind them about you.

Majority of your customers are going to be dormant, in-active customers.

Which is why a re-activation campaign is one of the most effective campaigns you can launch.

How does a re-activation campaign work?

  1. Identify which customers are in-active or at risk of going in-active
  2. Send them a series of emails to bring them back
  3. Measure the results

How do you measure the success of a re-activation campaign

The success of a re-activation campaign is measured by how many customers become active again after receiving your campaign messages.

Do you need to give discounts?

Discounts hurt your margins, it’s not a good strategy to have to give discounts every time you want to get a sale.

At the same time it’s natural for most people to be want to buy from you when you give them something off.

But we don’t want to simply give everyone a discount to come back to buy from you, which is why we do something called a discount ladder.

Let’s say you have a series of 6 emails to send to your customers to re-activate them, you can start the discount at the 3rd or 4th email if they haven’t bought from you yet from the first few reminders.

Can we see some examples of re-activation campaigns?

Yes, here is a list of the best re-activation campaigns for beauty and personal care brands.

Do we need to manually add the customers and email them?

Depends on which tools you use, you might have to do this manually… but that’s not the best way to do it.

You don’t have time to find out which customers are about to leave you, tag or expert them and then send them emails… and repeat every day.

Which is why WebMedic does all of this for you and more in simple steps:

  1. Connect your online store with one click
  2. Follow our best practices template
  3. Launch your campaign

Our clients see results within a few days of launching their campaign, and then they continue to see new sales every month — without having to think about this campaign again.

Helping you grow your online business and giving you freedom is what WebMedic stands for, and we are so confident you will love it, we guarantee results, which means you only pay if you are happy.

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